High Net Worth
It is our mission to provide an outstanding service and value to each and every customer and peace of mind financially speaking that you are covered from risks associated with life and that with an investment program tailored to your personal needs.
In the overall perspective of Financial Planning, a clearer insight is gained by considering the relative roles of different types of assets and the means to protect them.
Lifestyle Assets
These assets constitute the framework of your Lifestyle. They are supported by your earned income and in order to ensure their continued existence, that supportive income must be guaranteed.
Protection of Lifestyle Assets also requires the maintaining of Cash Savings. These provide for extraordinary items of expense or unforeseen contingencies and crises, and thus safeguard what is possibly the most important set of assets that any individual can, and must, acquire, i.e. Long Term Investments.
Long Term Investments
When an individual is no longer willing to, or capable of continuing to work as a result of old age, his lifestyle will depend upon the power of the wealth which he has created over his working life. The acquisition of this wealth depends upon two vital elements, time and money. The less time available, the more money which has to be found to complete the process.
The following analysis of your present financial position seeks to examine the relative position you are in now and to provide you with a blueprint to achieve financial independence at the time when you will need it the most.
Your life legacy depends on your planning and we attach the necessary documentation to set the ground work for its successful implementation.
Click here to view Your Life Legacy diagram
1. issues facing your financial planning
Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances and purpose in life. It is according to these circumstances and purposes that we tailor make financial plans to meet our individual needs, dreams, ambitions and future visions of our life plans.
We tend to follow life stages from maturing through school to tertiary and vocational education, through single life into relationships and marriage and followed by children and the joys our parents experienced through having had us!
We get into business or start our own business and inevitably learn from trial and error.
This is a document and plan to assist you limit and mitigate risks associated with the various life stages and to assist plan ahead for the unforeseen but inevitable.
The things that differentiate us one from the next is where we are now, where we see ourselves going and over what period of time are we anticipate getting there.
Currently Your Life Stage Reflects:
- Single
- An entrepreneur in your own business
Your current education status is matriculated
Your Lifestyle Habits Include:
- Non Smoking
- Drinking or not
- Exercising
Your Health Is:
Good and you weigh kg and stand m tall.
Your Family Has A History Of:
Hereditary disease, premature death, prolonged life
All these factors will be taken into account in the formulation of your personal plan
This document is only a comfort to you but to those you leave behind it is your legacy!
Why have the master of the High Court decide the outcome of your years of work and asset distribution – you have the right to appoint your own executor, someone you trust and who knows your affairs and desires in the case of what is always an untimely death!
Death is always untimely and hard for those left behind to deal with – help them out!
What do you want to happen with your body, your organs and your things…including your moveable and immovable assets?
Do you leave behind dependants financially secure in their grief in the knowledge that you had a well thought through and implemented and managed plan or does your death spell their demise?
Why – let’s get it right, for their sake!
Insure your love and their capital need for when you are gone!
Change disability to read inability to work due to an accident or a sickness or the loss of a body part –all of which will lead to a financial loss and set back.
We all need income security and cash for lifestyle changes in the event of an accident or prolonged illness.
We all know someone who has suffered a health event like cancer, a stroke or even a heart attack- they not called dreaded diseases and trauma events for nothing!
Make sure that if it happens to you the financial implications are covered.
Your investments for specific medium term goals?
We all have dreams of those special things, or times or people.
What or who or when are they – lets fund to meet those dreams with cash in the future.
It is inevitable…and we only living longer and getting laid off earlier, that they say is progress!
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